Winter Chill Reduction from Climate Change

I came across these papers discussing the reduction of winter chill due to climate change within the central valley of California:

1. Luedeling E, Zhang M, Girvetz EH (2009) Climatic Changes Lead to Declining Winter Chill for Fruit and Nut Trees in California during 1950–2099. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6166. 

2. Baldocchi and Wong (2008). Accumulated winter chill is decreasing in the fruit growing regions of California.  Climatic Change. March 2008, Volume 87, Issue 1 Supplement, pp 153-166.

Of interest is that the models based on the three widely accepted emissions scenarios by climate scientists  indicate that by the end of the 21st century, the Central Valley of California will not receive enough chill within certain areas to support walnut or pistachio production (as well as other fruit crops). In many areas, lack of chill will occur by the middle of the century, negatively impacting pistachio and walnut bloom and thus production.   This is due to the large amount of chill hours needed for for these crops (Almond~600, Pistachio >800, Walnut >900).

So, what are the impacts of low chill? Chill is needed for fruit bud development. In years with reduced winter chill, bloom is "strung out" and delayed, and pollinators may have poor overlap.  Low chill years have been experienced in the past, especially in the southern San Joaquin Valley. In these cases, growers have applied "rest breaking agents" to even up bloom. This typically is a horticultural oil. Future research is focusing on the development of  low chill varieties and rootstocks.

To think that almonds will be free of the negative effects of reduced chill is incorrect. In mild winters (think 2012), a "strung out" bloom usually means an uneven hull-split, and thus an uneven harvest. All of this influences the other issues including navel orangeworm (NOW), hull rot, and shaker damage.  Let's not forget that warmer winters also means a larger surviving population of NOW, other insect pests, and diseases, increasing our reliance on chemical control.


Dormant Weed Control in Tree Nut Crops 2012-2013


What did I learn at the Almond Board’s annual conference?